Law Enforcement Codes , Social Studies & Political science by Najeh Benlahmadi Zion

Law Enforcement Codes , Social Studies & Political Science Sep 24 , Sep 23 & Sep 22 2021
By Najeh Benlahmadi Zion
Ph 21693300371 USSS# 333-98-6973

Sep 24 Part 3

Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen

Part Three

For the record I am not a ” sarcastic” but I found this Writing_Style makes a lot of sense intellectually.

Dictatorships, HR, Executive Authority, Judicial Authority : World Wide, Third World Nations Specifically and Tunisia in Particular.

Armed Forces, Authorities, Justice, Economy and Population.

Under the same hypothesis :

((( If Bourguiba’s rule lasted thirty years and Benali’s twenty three years.
If Bourguiba’s and Benali’s Dictatorships left many Victims of HR Abuse, Torture, Forced Exile, Oppression and Poverty.)))

Based on this Hypothesis and again this is just a hypothesis.

Obviously ” Current” Tunisia’s Armed Forces entrusted to protect and serve the Nation, Constitution(s) and People are the products of Tunisia’s Generals, Highest Ranked Officials and those Corrupt Institutions.

Unfortunately in * each and every* town out of over * two hundreds towns in Tunisia* I found few civilians who never met nor knew each other * up to date * yet all testified and actually witnessed the ( Injustice, Abuse, Cruelty, Systematic Confiscation of Right to Life, Misconducts and other Abusive Inhumane Behavior and Practices) practiced by Armed Forces as ( the products of those Generals and Institutions).

  • Unfortunately this phenomenon didn’t need a genius in Socialogy or Psychology or Politic to notice, analyse and fathom :
    What does it mean.
    How dangerous it is.
    And specifically how ( Irrational and Inconsistent) it is*.

Personal note This phenomenon have many meanings and ” Can’t be good nor right nor correct and shld’ve been a priority to solve” is one.

  • This phenomenon is a Viral Social Disaster. Whether it already existed every where or started some where then went world wide it is still undetermined*.

The truth it is clear why there are not five percent of Tunisia’s Government Employees who are aware of Constitutional Rights and International Laws as well as why I cldn’t find a civilian who didn’t criticize the ( Ignorance, Negligence and Injustice) of Tunisia’s Government and Offices.

It is also clear why in Tunisia ( The Civil, Moderate, Republic, Pro_Liberty, Pro_Equality, Democratic, Free and Independent, Secular, Non_Religious Nation ) there are not five percent Constitutionally Educated within the population.

It is also clear why in Tunisia ( The Traditional, Ethical, Pro_Morals, Pro_Islam, Majority Muslims, Pro_Quran, Conservative Nation that takes pride in using the Quran as a source for legislations) there are not five percent of Quran memorizers within the population.

Sadly the issue is not only the need to a ” Complete Total Cleansing” of Armed Forces’s Institutions and Products without excluding any Ignorant but not noticing such fact and need * sooner*.

The embarrassing part is this analysis perfectly yet catastrophically applies on :
Tunisia’s Justice System without ” buts”.
Justice’s System Foundations.
And ninety nine percent of closed cases.

But the real disaster is the fact that these facts don’t need Logic, Analysis, Convincing , Comparison nor Applying on any other Authority or Institution to understand how serious and vital the issue is Socially, Economically, Politically, Security and Health wise.

  • Sadly the relation between ( Ill_qualification of a Ill_Assessing Corrupt Executive Authority and Judicial’s and the Systematic Violation of Right to Life and Protecting Right to Life) plus the relation between ( Right to Life and Economy, Social issues as Behaviors and Psychological state of the population) :
    Are both clear.
    And also both don’t need any Analysis nor Logic nor Explanation to be understood and Comprehend the ” urge” to deal with*.

A government’s System, a Chain of Bureaucratic Command or Section of the Governing System can all be and can all remain * Corrupted, in Violation of Laws Liberties even Selling out Nation, People and Constitutions* only if society ( is Unaware, Refuses to be made aware or willingly Refuses to understand) the need to eradicated:
The limbs of that Corrupted System, Chain or Segment.
The limbs of that Corruption.
The limbs of that Injustice.

Before fighting Injustice, Corruption and that segment “themselves”.

For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui theories :
Terrorism, Espionage and Corruption.
Social Disaster Prevention.
Population, Data, Profile, Les Terrorism.
Mixing Crime’s “Expression mutation” With Crime Export.
Crime Relocation.

Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui.
Sep 23 Part 2

Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen

Part Two

Dictatorships, HR, Executive Authority, Judicial Authority : World Wide, Third World Nations Specifically and Tunisia in Particular.

Armed Forces, Authorities, Human Rights and Corruption.

Under the same hypothesis :

((( If Bourguiba’s rule lasted thirty years and Benali’s twenty three years.
If Bourguiba’s and Benali’s Dictatorships left many Victims of HR Abuse, Torture, Forced Exile, Oppression and Poverty.)))

For the record I am not sarcastic but I found this Writing_Style does make a lot of sense intellectually.

Historically there are many societies survived without a Land, Constitutions, Nation Systems. * But not a single Land, Constitution or System survived without its people*.
This shld solve the issue if People are more important than Nation or not and which does have the priority to be protected.

Clearly Highest Ranked Generals in Tunisia’s Armed Forces need to :
Learn what a General’s Rights are.
Be explained what Honor, Duty, Covenant in civil context, Consistency, Variability, Credibility, Consciousness Limits, Ethics, Allegiance, Indoctrination, Ignorance and Enemy are.

Personal note :” Obviously Allegiance as in concept and nature shldn’t depend on a ” Variable” as the Constitutions.
In other expression why many thinkers were prosecuted and even executed in the name of Bourguiba and Benali’s Constitutions for criticizing a Constitution which was later changed *.

Yet my point is logically the Ignorants who don’t know what ( Rights, Liberties, Freedoms, Duty, Honor, Order or Law and similar entities) are won’t be able to:
Protect any of such entities.
Know from who to protect such entities.
Teach such entities.
In fact those Ignorants ll be the first to violate such entities, ll never see themselves as the threat to such entities and ll ignorantly reject such fact if told about.

Sadly these Generals and Highest Ranked Officials are the founders of all Law Enforcement Institutions and Academically responsible for the approval of all of those Institutions’s Products ” Graduates”.

Unfortunately those Graduates were and are * directly* responsible for :
Bourguiba and Benali’s savageries).
( After Revolution’s Parties Atrocities).
( The savagery of Kais Said and Governments’s and Ministers’s).
Tunisia’s Humiliating history in ( HR Abuse, Bribery, Abuse of Office, Conflict of Interest, Conspiracies, Abuse of Authority, Inhumane Treatment, Brutality, Impunity, Administrative Negligence, Oppression, AntiSemitism, Rape, Racism, Discrimination, Castration, Embezzlement and other governmental Practices).

Sadly and it is clear why Tunisia as ( a Civil Moderate Free Nation of Law and Order ) never witnessed a Tunisia’s President, Minister or a Politician who didn’t * praise* the * Glorious Allegiance* of Tunisia’s Armed Forces to Order, Constitution and in particular to the ” people”.

Sadly and it is clearly why Tunisia as ( a Civil Moderate Free Nation of Law and Order) never witnessed a Tunisia’s thinker who exposed the truth of the ( Negligent Abusive Ignorant Irrational) Tunisia’s Armed Forces, ( the HR, Sanctities, Constitutions, International Treaties) Violating Corrupt Armed Forces without exception and without excluding connection and acquaintances.

Sadly and Logically whether Complacently or Ignorantly: If the leaders are Indifference and do violate the nation and its laws so the people are and vice versa.

A simple equation : It doesn’t need a genius to notice or connect ( Armed Forces’s Indoctrinating Negligent Irresponsible Abusive Systematic Practices, Behavior and Conduct) with ( Corruption within Government’s offices) or with ( Corruption practiced within the population).

Obviously Third World Nations’s Armed Forces and in particular Tunisia’s don”t have a deficiency in ( Constitution”s”, Allegiance”s”, Oaths, Brutality, Cruelty, Sadism, Bulies, Rapists, Sanctities Violators, Negligent, Violators of National and International Laws, Bribe Takers, Officials involved in Conflicts of Interest, Perjurors, Forgerors, Bureaucracy Pawns, Desk Puppets, Ignorants, Indoctrinateds, Liars, Traitors, Thieves and Hypocrites) but Tunisia as a Nation and a population have a deficiency in ( Men of Biblical Truth, OF Reasonability Based Modesty, OF Reason and Rational enough to break consciousness limits, notice and reject Ignorance, Ignorants and Ignorant Making Doctrines and Idealogies).

For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui :
Diplomacy, Virodiplomacy and Terrorism’s Source.
Justice System, Human Rights and Justice.
Prior Allegiance.

Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui.


Sep 22 Part 1

Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen

Dictatorships, HR, Executive Authority, Judicial Authority : World Wide, Third World Nations Specifically and Tunisia in Particular.

Armed Forces, Biblical Truthfulness and Dictatorships

Under the hypothesis :

((( If Bourguiba’s rule lasted thirty years and Benali’s twenty three years.
If Bourguiba’s and Benali’s Dictatorships left many Victims of HR Abuse, Torture, Forced Exile, Oppression and Poverty.)))

For the record I am not sarcastic but I found this Writing_Style does make a lot of sense intellectually.

Based on this Hypothesis, obviously :

Tunisia’s Armed Forces’s ( Defense and Interior Ministries, Intelligence, National Security, Antiterrorism and other Agencies) Pledged Oath of Allegiance to Nation, System and People is TOO Sincere to ” a level” noone out of these forces saw ( a Threat to the Nation or a Violation of Tunisia’s Constitution) in a Thirty or a Twenty Three years long Presidency.

Tunisia’s Armed Forces’s Allegiance is TOO sincere to ” a level” for fifty years noone out of these forces had heard about any :
( Negligence).
( a Corpse in Dungeons, Prisons and Stations).
Or ( a Suspect who was raped, castrated, assaulted, violated or tortured beyond savagery or in violation of International and National Laws).

Tunisia’s Armed Forces’s Allegiance is TOO sincere to ” a level” for fifty years noone out of these forces had ever heard of an innocent victim :
( Who was framed by the government).
( Jailed without a trial).
( Arrested without a warrant).
(Subjected to Inhumane Treatment).
( Lost a limb while in government’s custody).
( Deprived equal right to be protected).
( Deprived civil rights ).
Or ( Fell victim of a Corrupt Government Section’s conspiracy under the full knowledge of the governing authorities).
Simply because of officials’s Ignorance, Negligence and Injustice or for practicing Freedom of Speech, Affiliation or any other freedom.

Tunisia’s Armed Forces’s Allegiance is TOO sincere to ” a level” for sixty years noone out of these forces had ever heard of a Tunisia’s thinker who proved with unquestionable evidence that ( Bourguiba’s Tyranny, Benali’s Oppresion and Parliaments’s Injustice, Ignorance and Misjudgements) were :
Illegitimately catastrophically not in the best interest of nation.
The reasons behind Poverty, Social Disasters and Suffering.
The deadliest threats to any future progress.

Obviously if there was just one single Qualified Aware General in Tunisia’s Armed Forces :
He wld have defected just to not witness such Tyranny and Corruption.
Bourguiba and Benali’s Reigns of Injustice wldnot had lasted.
And After Revolution Political Parties and Kais Said’s Regime wldnot have violated the Constitution, tortured, defended sadist cruel corrupt officials nor denied evidence of ( Anti-Semitism Motivated Crimes, War Crimes and Assassinations) for a decade.

Sadly and clearly Tunisia’s Governments have not achieved any National Satisfaction except in ( Injustice, Corruption, Ignorance, Negligence, Indoctrination, Cruelty, Sadism, Cowardice, Violating National Constitutions and Allegiance to Cashing Salary’s Date).

Obviously most Third World Nations like Tunisia for example don’t lack nor have a deficiency in ( Heros, Martyrs, Patriots, Allegiance, Courage, Competencies, Memorizers of the Regulations, Law Keepers, Order Keeper, Bureaucrats, Freedom Fighters, Revolutionaries or Loyalists to the System) but undeniably such nations do have a deficiency in ( Men OF Justice, OF Truthfulness, Biblical Truth, OF Genuineness, Trustworthiness, OF Honor, OF Modesty, OF Sincerity, Of Indiscriminate Conscience, Of Indiscriminate Humanitarianism, OF Consciousness, OF Logic, OF Covenant in Civil context and clearly OF Commitment to Oath) to stop Bourguiba and Benali like or After Revolution Parties and Ignorant Presidents as Kais Said or any corrupt official regardless of ( Position, Office, Race, Gender, Color, Wealth, Authority or Rank).

Personal Note : * Logically speaking, without an ( Indoctrinated Ignorant Non_Conscious) Armed Forces there wldnt have been any Dictatorships ” whipp” and neither a Dictator*.

For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui Studies :
Leaders Requirements.
Justice System, Truthfulness and Dictatorships.

Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui.

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