Social Studies , Laws Psychology & Political science by Najeh Benlahmadi Zion

Social Studies , Laws , Psychology & Political Science Sep 29 & Sep 28 2021
By Najeh Benlahmadi Zion
Ph 21693300371 USSS# 333-98-6973


Sep 29 Note 1

Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen

Populations and Life_Price_Assessing_Codes

Society and Consciousness’s Boundaries

The truth is Life_Price_Assessing_Codes mean ( A Society or Governing System) willingness to complacently sacrifice, dispose or lose a * life*, a human being and * any* human being ( daily or yearly) and sadly that is not the end.

  • In fact this is just the beginning because eventually the opposite will be as right*.

Political practice of Life_Price_Assessing_Codes ll become a Social Indoctrinating Order and through ( Rules of Familiarism, Submission) ll design an individual’s point of view and or an approach.

A view ( of Relatively Natural yet Abnormal Unpure Personality, of * Selective* Ignorance Egoism Indifference Corruption mentality that doesn’t Doubt nor Logically Analyse and ll be generationally transmitted as an Intellectual Status) also * capable and willing * to dispose, exchange or lose ( Lives of a group as in Chemically Endangered Industrial Communities, Convictions, Land, Identity, Faith, Nation or its Own Life).

Such phenomenon can be more explained by :
The Realities of dictatorships.
And the analysis of some societies Psychologically, Intellectually, Civilly and Activism wise.

Personal note : * Inevitably, an Individual’s view ll become relatively the Population’s as in group of civilians*..

“”” Unfortunately this facts expose :

The level of a society’s commitment to voluntarily ( Claimed Identity) and such ( Identity’s Cited Convictions).

The level of a society’s * truthfulness* to itself.

The level of a society’s * awareness* of the ( Psychological, Social and Political) * Meanings* of the differences between its Declared Identity’s Convictions and its Practiced Convictions in real life.

The level of the Consciousness’s Boundaries of a society in Detecting such Differences and Abnormalities and comprehending its Meanings soon enough and on its own.

Intellectual Desorders ( Mixing between what society perceived or wanted its Practiced Convictions to be and the Real Convictions of the Identity of such Society, ( Political or Religious….Identity)

The level of Validity, Legitimacy, Lawfulness, Truthfulness, Originality and Correctness of such Society’s * Intellectual Status* therefore its Decisions also the Rationality and Reasonability of its Goals, Visions and Plans as well”””.

Truly, I believe it is impossible and irrational to put any Assessing_Codes or Stipulations on Life.

Unfortunately Policies practiced in Politic and by Politicians * not only* subjugated civilians ( Intellectually, Physically and Mentally) in to ( Humanity_Value_Assessing Approval and Practice ) and in to ( Adapting and Accepting to Live by Life_Value_Assessing as civilians reality) but to Live * under * Moderating Orders and Governing Systems that * depend* on ( Humanity_Price_Assessing and Humanity Submission to be Assessed and be Valued price wise) to * EXIST*.

Unfortunately , I believe this fact is the source of all Social Disasters, Evil and Corruption.

Personal note : * I believe Assessing_Codes and Related Practices did kill and ll annihilate the Humanity out of civilization and Humanitarianism Related*.

For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui theories:
Humanity_Price_Assessing and Approval of Humanity_Price_Assessing.
Rules of Familiarism,
Consciousness Boundaries and Nurture Concept.

Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui.

Sep 28 Note 2

Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen

Right to Life_Price_Assessing_Codes and Society

Consciousness and Innocents

Whether under Secularism or Church ( Majority Process or Shura as in Conclave) there are :
First, Humanity_Value_Assessing_Codes and * Practice * of such Codes.
Second, Society’s * Submission * or Approval to live by Life and Right to Life_Price_Assessing_Codes.

Unfortunately, Being Bias or Selectiveness is * just* a form of Life_Price_Assessing_Codes and vitally influential as explained in my theory ( Selectiveness and Society’s Capability and Willingness to Complacently Engage or Cover Up Injustice and Corruption).

( Ability and Willingness to Cover Up Injustice) is * just* a form of ( Society’s Approval to Live By Life_Price_Assessing_Codes).

Logically ( Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) and ( Approval of Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) are more dangerous and go deeper within Society than ( Selectiveness) and ( Capability to Cover Up Injustice and Corruption Complacently).

Therefore if I assume that ( One plus One) is a Fact and produces ( Two) as a Result and apply it on:

Fact ( Selectiveness) and its Result is ( Complacent Capability and Willingness to cover up Corruption).

It shld mean :
First, there is Fact ( Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) that produces Result * one* ( Presumed Unknown).
Second, there is Fact * one* ( Presumed Unknown) that produces Result ( Society’s Capability and Willingness to live by or with Life_Price_Assessing_Codes and practices Complacently)

Logically and Mathematically there is a relation between ( Practicing Life_Price_Assessing_Codes) as Fact and my records of ( Yearly number of victims of Governments’s Institutions Negligence, HR Abuse, Organized Crimes, Traffic Accidents, Addiction, Industrial Chemically Endangered Cities, Terrorism, Human Trafficking and the other Social Disasters) as the Unknown Result * one*.

Logically also ( Ignorance and Organized Designed Consciousness) shld be the Unknown Fact * one* behind the Result ( Society’s Approval to live by and with Life_Price_Assessing_Codes as individuals and as a people).

Sadly wherever Governing Systems ( intentionally or ignorantly) practiced any forms of Humanity_Price_Assessing_Codes like Selectiveness there ll be :
Racism, Profiling and Corruption within Societies as groups and as individuals.
Daily rising numbers of innocent human casualties.
Systematic Designed Consciousness.
And Global Consciousness Designing Intellectual Orders.

For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui Studies:
Social Disasters.
Designed Orders.
Individuals and Groups’s Intellectual Status.
Designed Intellectual Status.

Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui

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